Empowering Diverse African Writers, Amplifying their Voices, and Celebrating their Literature.
Support Sprinng’s Mission & Programs
Sprinng Women Authors Prize (SWAP)
The Nigerian Writers Database
The Sprinng journey began in 2016 when Kanyinsola Olorunnisola and I reflected on the limitations we faced in our journey to success as African writers. Despite being in our early stages, we took on a great challenge with the focus on developing a community of writers and engaging them through several initiatives.
For many years, writers in Nigeria and beyond have expressed the need for programmatic structures that engage creatives in literature. Repeatedly, we have discussed the limitations of social institutions to their craft, such as the lack of an MFA program in Nigeria dedicated to Creative Writing and how many writers have to go abroad to pursue their dreams.
Sprinng is changing the game from the grassroots! Unlike many organizations that apply the same approaches to all members, we recognize the uniqueness of each writer and creatively guide them to the spotlight through our programs. We do not only provide hope to our writers but put action behind our promise. You will be surprised how much growth our small team has accomplished; yet there is more work to do!
We hope you’ll be inspired to join our journey as you read through our impact history and vision. We invite you to Sprinng with us wherever you are, and let’s continue to change the outlook of African literature together.
Oyindamola Shoola
Sprinng’s CEO
2023 Sprinng Writing Fellowship Alumnus
Every part of the program was thoughtful and thorough. I found feedback polls most thoughtful and engaging. They showed that the Sprinng team cares about each mentee’s welfare. Provisions were also made for mentees to express themselves fully. The second question on the weekly feedback asking how one felt at the end of the week had the same effect. The weekly airtime sent out to encourage and support us during the program was also thoughtful.
Uwachukwunenye Princess Anna
Impact by the Numbers
2016 - 2024
Page views on our websites.
Submissions to our poetry contest.
Comments on our publications.
Biographies on our past database.
Applications to our fellowships.
Unique views on our websites.
Writers accepted to our fellowship.
Total social media followers.
Writing fellowship retention rate.